Thursday, July 25, 2019
The Obstinate Murderer by Elizabeth Sanxay Holding
“Elisabeth Sanxay Holding's novel, THE OBSTINATE MURDERER, is decidedly different from the average story of its type. With a beautiful country guest house for background, the author draws the reader into the sinister web of fear and terror which holds the occupants of the house in its grasp. Van Cleef, the detective, becomes one of the central characters in a charming romance which affords him some relief from the horrible chain of events which follows. “As usual, it is just one little stroke, far too clever, which gives the murderer away, but the mystery connoisseur must be wide-awake to discover it.”
This is an epub, suitable for ALL devices and computers.  Microsoft Edge and a few other browsers can audibly READ it to you.  A quality paperback is available at low cost HERE.

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